Lovin' the lavender!

Hooray ....... I have finally caught up to date with my journal :-)

I have backblipped all this week ....... starting from here  ...... I would be really grateful if you would take the time to have a look at them :-)

Saw these two hoverflies having a love-in on the Lavender ...... they just had to be today's blip ..... do hope you like them :-)

Collected my new laptop today ........ this one is 6 years old & struggles to cope with the modern programs ...... so I decided to treat myself (with a little help from Hubby) to a new one before this one keels over from the strain! Now all I've got to do is set it up ..... update it & install all my programs on it ....... hopefully my backup will install properly too. Looking forward to getting it up & running!

Hope you are all having a Tigger-tastic weekend :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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