Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Oh, Canada!

What better day to arrive in sunny Vancouver than Canada Day?

The 9 hour flight was as pain free as these things ever can be... Except for having to sit next to a rather annoying bloke who was a bit the worse for drink and got ever more so throughout the journey... Sigh!

Still, I finally watched the film of The Martian (I enjoyed it but preferred the book!) and a fun documentary called 'Being Canadian' and we had spectacular views of Greenland.

Spokes and I are staying with my favourite aunt right on the edge of Stanley Park in Vancouver's swinging west end and are looking forward to doing lots of fun stuff for the next 3 weeks. But first there's just time to catch up with highlights from today's play at Wimbledon before what promises to be a LOOOOONG sleep... Zzzzzzzzz

Today's song is by one of Canada's greatest daughters, Joni Mitchell...

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