Back blipped yesterday and still behind!!Had a lovely day cleaning and tidying.....enjoyably productive....and no one to muck it up for a while!!
Then I went up to Mums for a cuppa....she thought I was surprising her with a visit from O..aawww if only...gosh I miss that boy.
This evening we did some more to the garden then went to IKEA for supper and to watch the Absolutely Fabulous film. Whilst waiting to go in The Rev was approached by a young couple who we knew from a previous church who needed some spiritual uplift....we discovered we were both waiting to see the same film and had book seats next to each other in the big coincidences!!!!

182/366.....a chance to cram a lot in to one day.

we thought we had got the car locked in at the car park as all the gates were bolted except one...we eventually found....gosh that was a panic for The Rev who #1 wouldn't leave his precious car and #2 was on call!!!

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