An Artist's Life

By MariB

A Beautiful Day

Woke early to a gorgeous morning and decided to travel to the Two Medicine area and lake for a hike. MK was tired of painting and joined me.
In the EXTRAS, the first is the boat we used to go to the end of the lake, The Sinopah, and behind it is the mountain it's named after. It's a 45 foot cedar plank on oak launch built in 1926. When we arrived, the sign posted warned of bear sightings, but we sing show tunes very loudly and no self-respecting bear would attack Ethel Merman clones.
The 3rd shows the bear grass, mountain spirea, corn lilies, Engelmann spruce and Indian paint brush we hiked through. Most of the walk is through dense, ferny areas with filtered light that are almost magic, but do not show that feeling in a picture. The last picture is Twin Falls where we stopped for a bit before heading back to catch a boat.

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