shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

The Fellows' Garden

In a wonderful coincidence, a Ukrainian colleague was visiting Oxford - on an open day! After a great lunch in the office with some Indian colleagues, we took more than a little advantage (bending the rules somewhat, though a friend who works for the university admissions department sent her in-laws to do the same, so I didn't feel bad!) and managed to get into three colleges, including getting full tours in two. This is the Merton College Fellows Garden (which has wifi throughout the garden, not just the college, which seems to be big draw for potential students!), In the extra shots you can see part of Oriel College library and the view across Christ Church from a roof terrace inside Corpus Christi college, and the leftovers after the recent exams - the red flowers are worn by all students sitting their final exam. After that exam, their friends then attack them with cream, confetti, party poppers and champagne.
We also happened into the end of the rehearsal for an Oxford Arts Festival Big Band concert in the University Church. Very impressive musical talent, particularly considering it was a joint concert including musicians from Magdalen College School.

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