Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

Tower Tours

Today we opened up the tower as part of the village festival so that people could come and see the new bells up in the tower.

There was a steady flow of people throughout the afternoon and so great was the interest that we had to turn people away as we had to stop at 4pm as there was a service starting in church at that time.

Lots of interested people of all ages climbed the steps to come up and see the ringing chamber and the bells. Including some near neighbours who seemed to be a little concerned about how frequently the bells will be rung and whether or not the clock bell will chime throughout the night.

We dropped some ropes from the clock chamber but they were not attached to any bells in the ring. We rigged up a rope to the small school bell and were able to allow people to have a go at chiming this bell.

Another open day is planned for September which will probably be the last until we start ringing at the end of the year.

As you can see from the condition of the bells in this photo the pigeons are able to find a way into and out of the bell chamber.

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