Eagle Owl

I was up and out fairly early to pick up the heavy PA items that were left in the barn last night. I wanted to get there before too much traffic started coming in for the Summer Fayre and Vintage Rally. The lane to the farm is fairly narrow with passing places and on the way back I met quite a few of the vintage cars on their way there.

Marian and I walked up later on and started at the Hog Roast where we had a fully loaded pork roll. Delicious! There was an intersting display of mostly, classic cars but some interesting vintage motors and some fine old tractors too.

My blip is a Eurasian Eagle Owl from the birds of prey display. I've converted this to black and white because the strong sunlight coming through the green canvas roof gave a colour cast that was very hard to remove. The eyes had to kept in colour though. The weather which didn't look too promising when we set out soon cleared up and gave us a wonderful summery afternoon. It looks as if we might have some better weather this week.

My blip from our gig went up quite late yesterday so do have a quick look if you havent seen it.

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