A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Ending on a smile

Ignore the rubbish photo if you don't mind and zoom in on the laughing boy. Up until our friends came around he was having a very hard day and struggling quite a lot. My theory is that this is due to our impending hospital visit Tues/Wed. We weren't convinced that visitors were the best idea but he was adamant and the joy of talking nonsense, playing dodgeball and proper belly laughing is completely worth the accompanying exhaustion.

Lots of fun for us all too. Thank you again lovely friends (lurkers no less) for the happy company for us all.

Early morning training session for Albi, me and Carl...our trainer is very happy with us all which is a relief all round. I do think it helped that Albi was essentially exhausted after a solid 6hours wrestling with Maisie, our next door dog, at the Street Party yesterday.

And now after the most hedonistic weekend I have had in a long time I am in desperate need of an early night and a few non drinking days.

Lesley x

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