A Fun Day

Sunday 3rd July 2016 (1408)

What a successful day! The Schools Celebration Service this morning went really well, then we moved to the church field for our Family Olympic Fun Day. The weather was superb, we couldn't have asked for better. Given the weather we've been having we were very lucky. 

This was a new event and we had no idea who/how many might come. We had five teams of 11 people, ranging from about 3yrs to 70+ yrs, truly an all age event. There must have been about another 30 spectators. All "races" were relays and consisted of - Olympic rings, beanbag shot putt, sponge javelin, egg and spoon, balloon relay, blind soccer, "swimming" and broom horse dressage. Everyone really entered into the spirit. 

When we had an ice cream break, people were delighted to see the sign of the cross in the sky ... which acted as a blessing on the day.   After the races we had our olympic closing ceremony, with medals and trophies. 

I finally got home after the usual evening service, a 12hr day. Tonight I am tired, but for the right reason! 

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