Mr T

Miss L had a very lovely assembly this morning. It was about endangered animals and they were so sweet with information, artwork, stories, puppets, and a brilliant green-screen BBC news broadcast featuring lots of the children. And what's cuter than thirty six year olds singing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"?!!
Afterwards I headed over to Mrs L's for tea, chat, lunch and craziness from my lovely nephew, Mr T. He was very bouncy!!! He was hilarious with this blanket spending quite a lot of time under it and flapping around like a ghost!
I can't believe he's going to school in September! 
With regards to Mr K's holiday faux pas which saw our cruise cancelled yesterday, he rang the cruise company this morning and begged and grovelled spoke to them. They were super helpful and re-booked us, transferring our deposit to the new booking. We haven't got as good a cabin as we had before but it's better than no cabin!! Woohoo!!!!!

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