A sunny day in Lincolnshire!!

I’m enjoying the sun with my eyes shaded. I’m Lottie and as Pippa had a chance to tell you about her activities one day last week it’s now my turn.
Mum wasn’t here this morning so Mr Ball took us for our walk before breakfast. We have referred to Mum’s parents as the “Old Folk” which is very disrespectful, so we have given them appropriate names.
Mr Ball put us in the kennel this morning when he went to the gym, not sure where Mrs Biscuit was but after an hour she appeared and let us out to play in the garden and gave us a biscuit for being good!!
Later in the day we had another short stay in the kennel when Mr Ball took Mrs Biscuit to her needles and natter group. We walked up to meet her and then went to the sports field to play. Pippa runs after her ball, thrown by you know who, whilst I nosed round the edge of the field, sniffing out any visitors!! I was on my extended lead as I cannot be trusted not to pop through the hedge and chase any hares or rabbits (I never catch them as they are too fast for me!!).
Pippa and I were eyeing up the little birds the other day. Well we have realised that if we just sit and watch them undisturbed, lots of them visit the feeder and they chuck loads of seed on the ground, ready for us to hoover up.
It’s a win..win..win situation, for the birds, us and Mrs Biscuit who gets cross with us if we try to pinch seed from the feeder or chase her precious birds!!!  Mrs Biscuit only gives us treats if we are well behaved.

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