Basil Was Scared

Basil and I took a turn around Beacon Hill late this afternoon, by which time the sun had gone in and the air was sultry, though not hot.

A herd of Highland Cattle graze on Beacon Hill from time to time, and our route took us past them. It was alright while they had their heads down and were munching, but when they looked up and advanced towards us, Basil became very prudent. He rushed behind me and stuck close to my heels.

The saga of Ben and Jerry Cat continues. Len and I had managed to keep them in overnight. When Len left early to fetch George and Kat from the airport, I went into the conservatory to feed them. No problem there. They both ate heartily.

But when I went out of the conservatory to fetch a step stool to adjust a window blind, and then came back, I left the door to the lounge open around 10 cm, Jerry saw his opportunity and squeezed through the gap closely followed by Ben. They rushed through the house to the bedroom and escaped out of the French window. The last I saw of them was Jerry struggling to make it over the fence into the wood. They have not returned all day, and it is now almost 9.30 pm.

I can tell that George blames me, but cats are a law unto themselves and they're obviously having a great time out in the wood. They'll come back when they are hungry although that might not be for another day or so.

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