Of rich and royal hue..

By mintlawquine

In the jungle....

I was on Granmum duties, with Lola and Louie. First day of the school holidays, and lots of other grandparents about! We had one of those memorable days, starting with a trip to the allotment to dig up some potatoes, investigate the wildflower patch, and water the plants in the polytunnel. Next an hour or so in Aden exploring the park, the mansion house, the carers garden and the play park, and the tree house where this was taken. Lola hadn't seen it since it had been painted and she was very impressed. Ice cream and some pocket money toys for them and a coffee for me mid morning, when we bumped into Mr. And Mrs. CBLinks. Then off to the garden centre to buy some more plants for my pots. Half price now as its getting late in the season. An early lunch there then home to pot up and play all afternoon. Their mummy and daddy are off to Edinburgh for a couple of days so our duties continued overnight. Lola's verdict on the day - "it was brilliant Granmum!"

My extra photo is an Icelandic poppy from the wildflower patch. A blip snap with fellow blipper Lemmy from yesterday!

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