
By ciorstain


I was not wanting to get up today. Feeling totally fed up with work and really ready for a holiday! 3 days to go and we are at least away for 6 days :)

I was at my desk only at 9 am and felt not to be getting anywhere. I also noticed at 100 am that my mobile was still on flight mode from Friday!!! So that's why nobody was calling ... ;) I need to keep that in mind ;).
At lunchtime I got a bit better into gear finally.
It was raining badly all day and against my usual habit I did not leave the house at all, just continued working until Neil came home.
Then I realised - no picture yet ..... !

Todays blip is some fruit for a change. Not totally happy with it, but all I managed to produce today.
I bought them on the weekend for pictures. Now I need to find a taker, as I do not eat peaches ... and do not want to waste them.

2 days to go only, and then we are heading to Berlin again.

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