Tiny Tuesday: Tiny Hummingbird

WRPerry and I had a fabulous morning at the Patuxent Wildlife Refuge, North Tract.  This area was once part of Ft. Meade, so we had to sign a release to enter and were warned not to  wander off any trails in case we might come across unexploded munitions.  Really???  Ft. Meade has moved on from munitions and is now the home of the National Security Agency….you know, the folks who read all your emails.  Anyway, after exploring the Wildlife Trail and feeling a bit defeated by the heat, we had to drop our vehicle pass back at the Refuge headquarters and there we found a shady spot to sit for almost an hour watching and shooting lots of hummingbird feeding at six feeders.  What a delight!

This was my first attempt at Hummingbirds this year and I was quite rusty.  There were to be no good shots of the hummers in flight, but I did find this lovely little fellow sitting on a branch nearby with his gorget highlighted in the sun.  He surely qualifies for Tiny Tuesday as he is only about 3 inches in length. 

We did not come across any munitions, but I stepped into some fire ants, not realizing it until they started stinging me as they crawled up my pant leg.  We also wandered through poison ivy, and Wendy went home with a tick and quickly texted me to be on the lookout.  A strip of clothing, body search and shower were in order when I got home along with some steroid cream.  It is amazing what we will do for a blip. 

Thank you very much for the lovely comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s multi-colored bug which has been identified by dbifulco, (who I depend on for many identifications.)  It was a Candy-striped Leafhopper.  

Many thanks to Rainy, who is hosting Tiny Tuesday, this week and next.  

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