
By spishy

Self medicating

with help from the fruits of the vineyard. Not, I hasten to add, because I've had a bad day as such. It has just been a bit brain jangling trying to organise my work load today. Too many people needing things done now and so on...

I have also developed a rather attractive eye infection overnight. I'll spare you the gory description but it did give Pete a bit of a shock this morning when I tried to open my eyes. I nipped out to the chemist, and after being given the Spanish Inquisition by the lady on the counter - I assume to ensure I wasn't some crazed drug addict - I came away with the required eye drops. I must admit I am curious to know what nefarious activities could be brought on by the misuse of eye drops?!

Now I'm home, I thought I'd relax with a glass of vino and catch up with the Olympic day.

By the way that is not a reflection of me in the glass.

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