The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Got to hand it to the French

They do love quirky architecture.
Le Havre was a revelation. Massively rebuilt after the war, the architect responsible used mainly concrete and this afterthought got all my verticals mixed up.
We walked for  miles, Kilometers and found a place for lunch. I had salad, which consisted on mainly chopped turkey in marinade and a fringe of shredded lettuce. It was too much and I left half of it. Need to ask what is exactly in the salad next time.

We set off the west towards the landing beaches. There are a sobering amount of monuments to all of those on all sides that died on those beaches, never mind the thousands of names they carry.

Finding an Aire in the late evening is not always easy as the "The French get  there early. We squeezed into a spot in a car park. The sunset along the beach was late and beautiful.

We slept soundly in our little corner nestled amongst two other vans. One other car alone in the rest of the car park. At least twenty could have parked overnight and benefited the local economy from the visiting hungry mouths. The French are much better at realising the potential of this income available every day, but expansion would be better.
I wish the Little Englanders.... mentioned a few blips ago would be aware that camping cars bring benefits, not the need to be exploited as they were doing.
Scotland and it's right to roam allows camping almost anywhere and the economy will benefit from this, but towns need to encourage evening parking/aires for campervans as these are appearing everywhere and a huge market is available.
(Rant over...for now.)

As aye


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