Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Day off

Flexi day today. well its either use it or loose it.

Had a bit of a lie in then off to the gym. Collected J's next holiday jab and dropped it off at the doctors. After that it was a hair cut for the weekend and then back to catch up on my blip photos from last week.

Managed to sort out my Boston photos for a fellow blipper and the photos from J's nieces 1st communion. All burned to disc ready to be posted out.

Spent the rest of the day watching the diving and then the gymnastics, well done team GB, while adding additional lens holders to my waistcoat for Africa. As there is only a 15Kg weight limit on the internal flights I might have to be carrying most of my camera stuff onto the plane to get under the weight limit. Hope my sewing holds up.

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