Fuchsia Fairies

I'm home at my flat overnight just to check that everything's okay, and to try and save my poor gasping houseplants which have been abandoned for a fortnight.  My shoulder is still painful today.  The galling thing is that it was probably rushing to tidy up my garden here which hurt it three weeks ago, and now it's back to being a wild jungle again.  No hope of doing anything about that for a while now, as I must rest my shoulder to try and heal it.  If it's still hurting as badly next week I shall go to the doctor's.  I don't think the humidity is helping much.

Fuchsias always look like little floral ballerinas to me, and remind me of the dance of the flowers and fairies in the Disney film Fantasia.  Cue the music from The Nutcracker Suite...

Currently watching Andy Murray slog it out at Wimbledon on the telly.

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