54-46 was my number

My birthday today so took a day off work, I'll let you guess which of the above numbers it might be :-)

Woke up quite late and took Léo for a walk into Rolle for café et croissant.

 Couldn't really decide where we wanted to go for lunch and then Liz suggested a walk up to the Lac de Taney. We haven't been here for years and remembered an easy drive up from Montreux and a short stroll through the forest up to the lake.

The drive up from Montreux was very long and  a narrow road, and the walk through the forest was steep and much longer than we thought, but worth it.  We are at about 1400m here so didn't try swimming.

And the restaurant was still serving, so had my fav mountain food: croûte au fromage and enjoyed the view. 

Extras of me standing and wifey posing.

54 is my number  Toots and the Maytals - let's see you dancing!

ps. Léo last year  Extra is especially cute

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