Quiet Blipper

By Islandcat

Lots of cranes!!

This is a picture of the coal loading and storage facility at the North Vancouver terminal. The foreground shows piles of coal that have been brought here by rail. In the middle distance you can see the towers that spray mist to keep the dust down! And in the distance two sets of cranes: the four light grey ones are likely on large ships to assist in loading the coal and then redistributing the load once it is on board. The two black ones are on the pier. This cargo is all bound for Asia.  In the foreground the yellow crane is holding a platform aloft as two men mount a light of some sort. Always LOTS of activity here. Industrial. Industrious. We drive by it daily. Hard to believe that this huge facility lives side by side with a busy residential area! Many cities in North America have banned coal from being transported through their borders let alone stored and transported like this. I am always amazed that coal is still such an important resource for many in this world. 

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