Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Turning Twenty-One

If you all remember last year when I did a post on turning 20. A huge deal for me, finally saying goodbye to my teenage years which weren't all that great. It's quite crazy really because so much has happened in the last year, not so much big things but things.

Let's recap. 08/07/15, just turned twenty. Fabulous birthday but it was sort of downhill from there as I didn't have a job, which meant I had no money which meant it was the worst summer ever. I just stayed inside and festered and was incredibly bored all the time. You'll probably know because my blog was surprisingly up to date.

September came and it was time to move out. Crazy really to think at once it was just a big deal and now I would never go back to my mums. This past year I have truly become who I had always wanted to be. Brave.

Now, not saying I'm not the bravest person anyways (clearly) but this past 12 months my bravery has been tested beyond anyone's limits. Moving out was pretty brave, having to find my own feet in a new city with bills to pay and all sorts of shenanigans to be in charge of. Then, you'll all clearly remember, the crash. What a pile of poo that was! Slipping slowing into a depression and never wanting to leave my bed for like two weeks. But guess what! I got through it! (Still really getting through it, sometimes it's tough).

January came and I failed my university project. Another blow to the system. After telling my teachers I needed support and extra help after what happened, I got nothing. No help, no support. So I failed. Which was awful, really really awful. You joke on about failing and it's all fun and games until one of you actually fucks up and then its monumentally tragic. BUT GUESS WHO GOT THROUGH IT!

March brought mine and Lee's anniversary which was magical. I am obsessed with that boy let me tell you. The 20th May I had my exhibition at the Shipley art gallery where I had created art I was so passionate about and that I loved so dearly. I stood up there and gave my speech about the importance of tickets and how each journey to Manchester was incredible special to me for so many reasons. And came out with a 2:1. Just goes to show, even if you're a giant failure you can still rise up from the ashes and prove them wrong. I was incredibly proud.

And here we are. July. I am currently living in Manchester with Lee and I'm working in a beautiful cafe called Tinderbox where everyone is kind and I have actual hours for the first time ever. I'll be sad to leave in September to go back to uni.

Just to summarise, this year has been incredible. I have truly been though some shite times and come out the other side only more amazing and braver. I have also lost 1.5 stone since last year which is also a huge achievement for me.

Like last year, I can only say I am totally ready for being 21. I am ready to only get stronger, more beautiful, slightly thinner and most of all, braver.

Happy Birthday Blipping.

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