Highest quality of life
Our beautiful Sarah Bernhardts are starting to bloom, unfortunately it's cold and rainy, no one is there to admire them.
The not-for-profit organisation Social Progress Imperative has announced the countries with the highest quality of life:
Finland is on top of the list - our quality of life is the highest according the study! Finland scores highly on almost every index on the report, from basic needs, foundations of wellbeing and personal freedoms. I agree, we do have high quality of life, but still the result feels a bit funny, because Finland is stuck in a state of economic paralysis. In May 2016 the unemployment rate was 10,8 and the government is planning huge savings. Let's see what will Finland's rank be in 10 years...
The Social Progress Index collates the scores of three main indexes:
- Basic Human Needs, which includes medical care, sanitation, and shelter.
- Foundations of Wellbeing, which covers education, access to technology, and life expectancy.
- Opportunity, which looks at personal rights, freedom of choice, and general tolerance.
Top 10:
1. Finland — 90.09
2. Canada — 89.49
3. Denmark — 89.39
4. Australia — 89.13
5. Switzerland — 88.87
6. Sweden — 88.80
7. Norway — 88.70
8. Netherlands — 88.65
9. United Kingdom — 88.58
10. Iceland — 88.45
+13°C, cloudy and rainy
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