
By SadlerStar

Entrance to Garden Party

Tabitha (granddaughter, age 8 <15!> had a garden party for a few friends.
Her birthday is Halloween hence the name Tabitha, after the TV witch.
So, she felt it unfair that her birthday is always in winter when there is nothing much to do hence, we held a kind of non birthday garden party for a few of her close friends.
Sun shone hotly and everyone enjoyed trampolining, lots of food, games, ice-cream, water fights etc , etc.
We all had a really nice time and the blip is the entrance to the very warm sunny garden where the action took place.
If you are wondering, we had installed lots of celebratory bunting around the garden and liked it so much we left it up for the time being and no, we don't keep our christmas tree past 12th night!

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