But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Talla Reservoir.

Having survived an eighty mile jaunt on Saturday, I upped the ante and today went out for ninety; not only did I finish much more comfortably today, my average speed was higher though I hadn’t expected a significant improvement from a single training(?) ride. Now Mrs TD is resigned to this happening more frequently, my plans now include another three outings building up to 125 miles followed by a gentle, relaxing ride just before my big event.
Wide Angle Wednesday has a theme of “Reflections” today, I think the Blip almost covers this remit. The problem with the challenge is the Wednesday part, it is my day for cycling and I arrive home tired, and with more important things needing my attention than posting the day’s Blip. Food and drink come readily to mind, quickly followed by falling asleep in the bath. Hence it is that this entry is being posted a full twenty-five hours after the closing time instead of the usual one hour.
I managed to clone out both the raindrops on the front of my fish-eye lens, and the hand that was trying, unsuccessfully, to shield it. The picture was taken just before I reached the top of a climb, looking back down Talla Water to the reservoir shrouded in mist and rain; there’s a lone cyclist starting the 1.3 mile, 20% downhill run - he’s doing a recce for an approaching “sportive” that will use this road. While I don’t mind climbing this hill, I wouldn’t want to descend it, particularly in the wet.

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