Great minds
It appears that clouds are much in blippers view today. I only discovered that after I'd taken this.
Funny night. I remember being awake at 1.45 and then suddenly it was 5.20 - strange that. I did go for a swim and then had a really slow start before a meeting with E - NLS cafe, her turn to pay.
Back at the Brewery it was an afternoon balancing yhe credit card statement while the internet turned ever so slow. Our IT boffin says it's due to the Olympics - too much broadband traffic.
I dodged the heavy showers to get home in time for #3 son and I to have a first foray at house hunting. What we saw is not for us! I've spent the rest of the evening surfing ESPC trying to work out what I can get for the amount I have that isn't in the wilds, far, far, far from public transport. People of my vintage are usually downsizing - for the 2nd time in 5 years I'm trying to upsize. Somewhere out there there is a 3/4 bedroom, 2 bathroomed house with south facing garden and I need to find it (en suite, good sized kitchn and dining room wouldn't go amiss either).
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