
I love robins. They are Spring to me and I hate to see July come because it means I won't hear the cheer up  cheerily song and tut-tutting that has been going on all Spring any more. For now , even though it's really hot and dry , the adults are still hanging out and singing , though not as much as a month or two ago. This guy is probably  from a second family , or a late start . His spots will disappear  soon but mark him for now as being in the thrush family. Which reminds me for only the second time ever there was at least one and I think 2 wood thrushes singing this PM on the back of our property. Such excitement , though heard only  and not seen. Thrushes are brown and usually spotted and impossible to see against the canopy of the trees. We heard a Swainson's thrush in Vermont. Kind of a veery call in reverse: spiral up not down.Today also was exciting though not captured on film , for the appearance of 2 red eyed vireos in our apple tree chasing down bugs. that is the first time I've seen those on the property. Surprises everywhere today! Including also the toad who missed being beaned with a digging implement by virtue of being able to move quite fast. The basil was safely planted and no toads were harmed in the process. No worms either.

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