Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

A break!

You get a break from grandchild photos  today!! :-)     They really didn’t get up til noon altho they came out for pancakes at 10:30.  It was cool and rainy/drizzly, but Nik wanted to try my new rowing boat.. so yes, of course!  he had a good row- we got photos-  and then I got out  int he Swan —my break for today.. watched seals, geese, eagles and this small rather mangy raccoon fishing for crabs under rocks at the edge of the water at low tide.  There is so much of that green lettuce seaweed now.    It was heavenly, even in the soft rain!     Oskar is sick (24 hr flu??) so just watched videos under the covers.  It seemed the day to get out the new 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle which Tatum and Nik got an excellent start on.  There was an ice cream run mid afternoon, which Oskar went on but only bought water, and Fiona,who vowed last night she’d stay just in her underwear all day today —-and she was the last one to get up! ,  did get dressed for this outdoor occasion, but decided at the last second she couldn’t go for mysterious reasons she can’t explain , so just as I was starting to upload my photos, thinking I had a blissful 45 minutes of peace at least, in she pops thru the door and that was that.   Not one of the 4 seems to have brought a rain jacket.. (maybe the parents can enlighten us?)  what kind of Northwest kids are they anyway?… but we found stuff for them to wear in the open boat.  Noodles for dinner all around (except O who couldn’t get up off the couch (altho he did manage to make chocolate chip cookies before dinner) .  He’ll be sleeping the night on the couch, just in case he has something not good for the camping room.  There was a big discussion of everyone’ s barfing stories. (Fi says she barfed in Boppa’s car..yes she did.) The camping room Niklas was insisting smelled bad, but could they find the shell he brought in that was the cause?  Of course not.   No dead otters under the cabin. (H looked…) 
Day 3: survived. (BARELY.....)

Good night!   sorry I really can't spend any more time here......

Well this has to be my entry for this week's wbc "Industrial" altho it's more like "industrious" which does describe these creatures and their incessant search for food.... much digging on the beach for clams and such..... best I could manage this week at Island camp.:-)

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