Cyfle sgwrsio

Dyn ni wedi ail-ddechrau ein 'Siop Siarad' (neu 'Paned a Sgwrs', neu 'Coffi a Chlonc') ar amser cinio  ddyddiau Iau.  Mae'n gyfle sgwrsio yn Gymraeg am awr.  Roedd tri ohonon ni heddiw a ffeindion ni digon i ddweud.  Dw i angen llawer o ymarfer ac mae'n helpu cael cyfle sgwrsio unwaith yr wythnos.

We've restarted our Siop Siarad' ('Talking Shop') (or Paned a Sgwrs', ('Tea and Talk') or Coffi a Chlonc' ('Coffee and Chat')) at lunchtime on Thursdays. It is an opportunity to converse in Welsh for an hour. There were three of us today and we've found to plenty to say. I need lots of exercise and it helps get a chance to chat once a week.

(Llun: Aderyn ar goeden ym Mharc y Bute)
(Photo: A bird on a tree in Bute Park)

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