
By mydartmoorwalks

Proving Mortar, Powdermills

A gunpowder factory was established on Dartmoor in 1844 to provide gunpowder for the many tin mines and quarries which were in operation on the moor at that time. 

We visited this area on our walk on Tuesday. The main picture shows the proving mortar. As you can see this is a small canon which was used to fire cannonballs to gauge the strength of the gunpowder which had been produced. 

The extra shows a wider view of the scene. The buildings were well spaced apart so that any damage caused by an explosion would be limited. 

The buildings all had thick granite walls and flimsy roofs so that in the event of an explosion the force of the blast would be upwards.

I seem to be getting further behind with blip and will attempt to catch up later.

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