My Long Term Memory

By marinakari

A walk around town

This morning the first thing I noticed was sound of pouring rain.
Immediate bad vibes. Can't take 5th consecutive rainy day to beginning of my summer holiday. So I stayed in bed until noon.

Then My Girl made me lunch and we chatted. We decided to do food shopping right away. You see, I have had a best idea of getting out rain depression: strawberry Pavlova! 

So we hit the town, got food, I made the meringue and put it oven, she left for walk with friend and B the Dog. Then soon after we made dinner together, ate it and then I made pavlova. 
We had couple of regular guests on our table, but even then it was brutal attack to pavlova! We ate  the damn whole thing at once. With a pot of coffee. 

Afterwards when we were feeling a bit nausea-ish  from all meringue and whipped cream, we noticed that the sun was kind of up and rain clouds had broken! So, an hour walk around town did us good in many ways tonight :)

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