Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Eye of the Fly... better known as a Cleg

The Horsefly! 

This little monster dared to enter the house.  As a child, in Scotland we were warned of the dangers of a Cleg. I caught it and, without any feelings of guilt, captured it, stuck it in the freezer for time enough to slow it down,  pinned it, shot it and lost it.  It's now probably looking for my legs for dinner!

Each species of Horsefly can be identified by the patterns in it's eyes. This is a Band-eyed Brown, a common species of Horsefly., Tabanus bromius  

They bite, not because they hate humans but because they need blood to survive and breed. The downside is that their bites can cause not only pain but severe swelling. I'm lucky in that I very rarely get bitten but on the rare occasions that I have, it's required a visit to a hospital, so wasn't going to give my model the benefit of doubt.  Luckily I'm very rarely chosen as a meal but...

It's only the females that bite.. the males prefer the nectar from flowers. I lost this one before I could sex it.  Sods law it will be a girl.

In the meantime I missed the Murray match.  He won so, easy peasy, he may be on track, whilst I search the house for a missing Horsefly.! 

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