Journey forward

By Popsicle

Surprise!!! Surprise!!!

At 06h30 this morning, woken by my phone ringing.
-  Daughter-in law A "Dad we are at the gate, please unlock for us"
-  Dad (mutter, mutter) "At this time of the morning? OK."

Well, I duly opened up, anticipating that some urgent assistance was required. My daughter C and family from Australia climbed out of the vehicle, having landed an hour earlier at O R Tambo International, and had been collected by S & A.

Needless to say, tears of joy at seeing them all.

When H and myself had composed ourselves, we were informed that they would be part of our 2 week stay in Kruger Park.

A fabulous birthday present, I could not have wished for better.

A truly fabulous day spent with family, and one never to be forgotten.

Also the best kept family secret ever. Planning apparently started in April 2015, and no-one let anything slip.

Family, LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!

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