Meadow Brown - that paused

I'd just got back from the gym after a wonderful swim in the rain, and made some well deserved breakfast, when I received a phone call from the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust.

Today's volunteer had called in sick and could I help.

It was an odd day, weather wise, so we were intermittently busy (when it poured). It was great to catch up.  The swans have moved on to the river. "Asbo" as the male had been called since he had started to annoy some of the visitors and his ladyfriend had taken their six cygnets to pastures new. But two more swans have taken up residence.

The kingfisher has been seen from time to time on the island, and today, heading up the river.

Butterflies are appearing - and this Meadow Brown paused long enough for me to take a shot. Having failed on the last few visits, I just had to choose this for my blip.

There was also a gorgeous Comma - and an amazing dragonfly (Hawker) who buzzed me and kept on flying round me, but wouldn't oblige by sitting on a tree !

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