Fay's Photo Challenge

By Faylm

Where I Ate My Breakfast

Today's theme: Where you ate your breakfast.
So a very easy, quick blip for me first thing in the morning.
This morning I am eating my breakfast at the pc desk.
Bad bad bad I know but I like it when I'm first up and I can eat my breakfast catching up with Facebook, the News and Blipfoto in peace before the kids get up.

Early start for a day in the school holidays but I have to go for a blood test at 9.15am and then heading into town for some shopping with my daughter.

I don't always have my breakfast at the pc desk, during school days we have breakfast in the kitchen, where we seem to be one of those weird families who eat proper meals at proper meal-times together almost every day (exceptions like today but lunch and supper will be at the kitchen table, at around 12 midday and 5pm respectively).

It seems to be a dying thing these days that families don't eat meals round the table. I actually really like my supper times at the table cause it gives us a chance to catch up on everyone's day.

I find it really odd when my children's friends come round and they generally have no specific time to be home for lunch or supper or I've lost count of the amount of kids who just don't eat proper meals. Chocolate bar at 10.30am for breakfast, crisps and fizzy juice at break time for breakfast. Yesterday was a friend of my daughter's having had no breakfast or lunch, ate a filled baguette at 3.30pm after they had been swimming.
How can parents expect their children to develop 'normally' without proper nutrition

I'll get off my soapbox now :D

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