An Achievement That Makes Me Super Proud
Eldest and I had a day in Oxford today, for him to get a feel for the city and to look at some of the colleges. It was a really nice day and the colleges were all really welcoming, allowing us to skip queues and admission charges being a prospective student and wander around even to areas not open to the public (all except St John's College, where the porter was down right rude and I couldn't help myself but to tell him so). New College is top of the list so far with Somerfield and Christ Church College (extra shots) also in contention. It's still the early stages in the process for him and entry is so competitive that even to be in a position to apply is an achievement that makes me super proud.
Like many of you I am struggling to keep up with Blip, I am trying to comment where I can and am enjoying all your journals. I am conscious that I do not always get a chance to thank-you for your stars, comments and hearts but I do really appreciate them all.
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