Sneaky Peek

By SneakyPeek

Me, Myself, I

This is me, I like it when other people do self portraits so thought I'd have a go myself. However, I'm not brave enough (or perhaps vanity permits me) to post a warts and all photo which shows every wrinkle and/or flaw. I wished I wasn't like that but I am and I don't think I'll ever be able to change. I'm not comfortable in front of the camera either which doesn't help. I don't think I'm particularly ugly (hope that doesn't sound too big headed - it's not meant to) so I'm not sure why I don't like looking at photographs of myself. I'm happy with this one though because it omits quite a bit of my face. Anyway, rambling on now and self analysis can be quite time consuming so I'll sign off.

Have a look at these self portraits. They're some of my favourites.


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