Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Here again, and at least the drive through London was easier then last time. The patient was still being patient as yesterday's, and the day before's promised blood patch had not happened. It did mean he was able to eat the egg mayonnaise and smoked salmon sandwiches I had made for him before leaving home this morning.

But then there was a flurry of activity as two anesthetists had been rounded up and the Patient was whisked off to be patched. We read his copy of Private Eye and I took photos out of the window until he returned. He then had to spend 8 hours flat on his back without moving. The sandwiches were well timed!

Once we had placed everything within his reach, we left to embrace London traffic again.

I have put the gory photo on as an extra so as not to offend innocent browsers, and a second blip, "Take the advice, or it's a Lottery",  taken as we stop started through the city.

We headed for a hotel near Thetford for the night and arrived early enough for a meal and bottle of wine. 

The bed was so, so comfortable, and I would have had a wonderful night's sleep if it had not been for a green light, a smoke alarm perhaps, in the ceiling which made me feel I was sleeping under an immensely bright aurora borealis.


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