twinned with trumpton


So it rained in the night; a lot. And was windy. Not the best way to find out the tent is getting a little leaky. However; after sleeping in, we eventually roused ourselves; showered, ate breakfast and hatched a plan.
By 11 we were in Patterdale; circling endlessly for a parking space before we stumbled across the cricket pitch and headed off up Grisdale. No real plan; just a bunch of options; mostly really wanting to look at the C2C route / terrain. A pleasant enough day; after the overnight drizzle, we slowly wound our way westwards, upwards. The views opening up; Helvellyn and Fairfield towering above, either side. Busy too. Eventually we got to Grisdale Tarn; sadly not warm enough for a swim, but that spurred us on to turn back on ourselves and take on St Sunday Crag. The wind whipped up but also the sun appeared as we went along the summit ridge; incredible views all around. We nailed that; and stopped for soup just off the summit; peering out over Ullswater, watching the yachts zip about. Then off over The Birks (2nd tick in the book) and back to Patterdale.

We drove back to the campsite; showered and then walked into Pooley Bridge; grabbed a pint and then headed back along the sunny lakeside; cooked dinner and watched the Sheffield equivalent of the Addams Families pitch their tent before sleep took over.

Looking back across Ullswater with St Sunday Crag in the middle of the shot

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