Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Turkey .. The country not the bird....

Left our home at 3.30am..
Arrive Birmingham airport..
Eat lardy breakfast ..
Get on flying coffin thing ..
(After last years engine hoooohahhhh I'm now medicated to keep me calm )
Arrive in Turkey at 12 lunchtime ..
Driver whisks us off to N & C's house ..
By 12.45 Lucy is swimming with last years crocodile Trevor,they've kept him for us and also Melanie the inflatable turtle .
Everyone goes to bed from about 3.30 until 6...
Then I began my Tom Daley diving regime ..
I'm good.
Out to dinner..
See loggerhead turtle watching us eat ...
I then decide we need to go back to the turtle sanctuary .. The others will do as they are told ..
Buy snorkels ...because that's what you do at 11pm.
Bed ....
Well,I'm writing this before I sleep.

Blip of Dalyan River and you can see the 4,000 year old tombs of kings lit up in the hillside ..and one of the restaurants you need to take a boat over to.. I think we might try that place ...
People here are as lovely and friendly as ever .. Low crime rate ... Don't believe what you read in the UK papers will you .

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