Today's Special

By Connections

Bellingham Pride Parade 2016

The sun beamed down, people smiled and waved at each other, and for a little while, we forgot the horrors of the week just past.

Mt. Baker Planned Parenthood led the parade, and it was deeply moving to see the many faith communities, social service agencies, advocacy organizations, businesses, libraries, Bellingham Fire Department (see extras), an outstanding marching band, entertainers, and political organizations (Whatcom Democrats and the League of Women Voters) -- and Bellingham's mayor, Kelli Linville -- taking part.

People of good will, in all their rich diversity. My tribe.  

Less so were the two men at a booth in the post-parade festival area representing "Washington Open Carry." No smiles from them, and pistols clearly visible in their holsters, thanks to the fact that this is a state in which it is legal to openly carry a firearm (pistol, rifle, or shotgun) in public without a concealed-firearm license. 

Even less appealing than those two were the handful of men on a nearby corner preaching "repent or burn in hell." Compare their message (and preferred presidential candidate) to the one another local church carried.

Two Americas. Two churches. I know which I'd choose.

(Phil has a fine photo of some of the more colorful participants in the Bellingham Pride Parade. And if you're wondering about the purple shirts on the marchers I photographed, they're from this fine organization.)

(Kendall has a chilling journal entry today about what might have happened at the recent Black Lives Matter march in Portland, were it not for a man of peace.)

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