Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Mmmmm .... Beer!

Busy busy day. Lunged both the horses this morning as I have now had to admit the bump is too big to get on board!
Went to a horrible garden centre to get some fence panels - full of people christmas shopping and pushing and shoving. I felt like wacking one woman behind me in the queue for the tills with my handbag. Grrr! She wasn't going to get served any quicker by standing right up close behind me and invading my personal space!!!
Then drove over the Shropshire. Quick cuppa with Ma and then out for dinner with Sal, Rob, little Anna, Jo and Wayne to celebrate Sal's bday. Anna was a little star and was eyeing up Jo's pint as well as frowning at Wayne's beard. Good job I have one in the oven as she makes me feel soooo broody!

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