Terry tells her story...

Dear Diary,

A long ride down to Massachusetts...lots of traffic....but my evening with my old friends Terry and Bob was wonderful.  They traveled to France with me a few years ago and Terry and I taught together for years.  She has been doing some ancestral work herself and shared her latest stories with me.  I marveled at how different the experience has been for her than it has been for me.

So much of her family story lies buried in shadow...inaccessible.  World War II and the horrific holocaust wiped out so much of it.  But she told what she could and arranged it in a beautiful album to pass on.  I am encouraging her to write her own story as well for future generations. 

I have been so fortunate to have so much family history to record and pass on.  Last night reminded me that many are not so lucky.  But we all can tell our own stories and that is just as important as ancient history.  In time it will be ancient history too and our descendants will treasure it.

Off to Concord this morning.  I am not sure what sort of internet access I will have at the Abbey, most likely none, so I may be back blipping later in the week.

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