Nice to meet you...

I realised today that it's weeks since I used my portrait lens. I have taken portraits, but not because I set out to do that, just because I happened to meet someone and asked to take their photo. I take my camera everywhere I go, and to save weight, I always only take one lens and that is 12-40mm (actually 24-80mm as my camera is a micro four-thirds) so it is useful for landscape as well as portraits. 
Last night I has been reading the book I gave Sarah for Christmas, which was Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton. That guy is one of my heroes - he would be a guest at my dream dinner party. If you don't know who he is or what he does, look here.

Anyway, having spent the whole day in town waiting around for my car to get fixed (again, and properly this time), I didn't actually take any portraits. 

So here is one of the peacock. A lot of peanuts were consumed in the making of it :-)

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