
By cowgirl

Mono Monday 129: People

The house of the family I'm staying with is always like Picadilly Circus, but with the impending party coming up it's more hectic than ever.

The day began quietly at the pool, just 3 or 4 people there. Not even a cloud in the sky!

After lunch, the Bar Mitzvah kids came over to try on costumes for the show they will put on for all the guests and have a quick run through of the steps of the dance.

One of the girls wanted her legs waxing ( for the first time ) so her mum brought the appropriate stuff round and she had it done with the support of her friends around her, even one of the boys stayed! I'm not sure why putting her fingers in her ears helped, but she said it did!

A little walk with the camera, a little reading of my book whilst cats and kittens collapsed in the shade around me ( they belong to one of my friends ) and a stint at the pool in the afternoon, before going over to the new house to fix some tiles on the wall of the outside shower, which I've added as an extra.

Dinner, bedtime for the girls ( not the Bat Mitzvah girl though, she and her dad are out on BM duties somewhere ) and a beer for me and their mum.

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