Childof theUniverse 1

By PetkinBrown

Sunday Sunday ❤️

.......Normal Sunday routine, taking MIL food shopping, then while Hubby does the ironing I went food shopping for us....For the 1st time ever I did my main food shopping at our local ALDI ❤️ By the time I had crawled along the road on my intended target of Sainsbury's Clearly the road had problems, I like many other turned into ALDI......!!
The place was packed and I had to wait for a parking place to be vacated. I picked up lots of the normal stuff only most of it was not the usual brand....We shall see.
Now my washing was on and off the washing line like a yo-yo.
Picked up MIL for the afternoon, what a palaver....With Kingshill closed because of subsidence, the detour is huge....!!
Plenty of sport in the afternoon and evening (Sunday catch up) Xx

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