Truro to Malpass

Today Ann had to go to Truro so she said, 'Molly, would you like to come with me? You can wait in the car while I do what I have to do and then I'll take you for a walk along Truro River to Malpass.'

I was all happy and excited because I thought I'd be allowed to go splish, splash, sploshing in the river. But do you know what happened?....................... Ann said, 'Molly, we're going to have a nice long walk but I'm going to keep you on your lead because I don't want you getting all wet & muddy. The neighbours are coming in for drinks tonight and I've already cleaned the house.'

Well that's not much fun for a gorgeous little collie is it?

So I walked to Malpass on my lead and then we turned around and walked back. But on the return route I suddenly spotted two brown poodly type dogs charging towards me. Everything seems to 'have been crossed with a poodle these days?! They were really threatening and Ann knew that if I stayed on my lead I would go into 'killer collie mode' so she let me off my lead and I went into 'submissive mode' until they passed by.

Ann was really pleased with my behaviour and she was just about to put me back on my lead when I decided I wanted a poo?! So I had a poo and Ann (who is a very responsible dog owner), picked it

up. Do you know what I did while she was doing that?......................

…...........I zoomed off down to the river which involved running over all the horrible muddy sludge and then I had a good all wallow in the water. Ann went absolutely ballistic at me. She was yelling at me but I just pretended that I hadn't heard her.

Needless to say when the neighbours came in tonight for an early evening glass of Prosecco, Ann told them not even to speak to me. I just lay down in 'good collie mode' and they thought I was very well behaved.
Ann certainly doesn't think I'm a very well behaved little collie today.....................
…..............The other naughty thing I've done today................. is spit out my pill?!

For those of you who read our Blips regularly; you will know that when I was in Edinburgh I got an abscess on my paw and had to get some anti-biotics. My abscess is all better now but I have to finish the course of anti-biotics. Usually I just gobble them up with my breakfast and dinner. This evening I was just about to have my dinner when the neighbours came in so I decided I'd do a bit of 'showing off.' I gobbled up all my dinner and Ann said, 'Well done Molly for eating your pill.' And then she found little bits of pill on the floor..................... I'd spit it out because I knew that I'd get a little bit of cheese with it. …............I did get a little bit of cheese with it. But only because Ann doesn't want to have to pay another £93 for another course of anti-biotics?!! So my very clever cunning plan worked.
The trouble is............................. Ann told the neighbours I was a really badly behaved little collie who didn't know how to follow instructions. She said that at 12 years old I should know how to behave when visitors come to the house. She said that after all the time and effort and years of training she has spent trying to turn me into a 'perfect pooch' I should know how to behave.

…...............And then the neighbours left and Ann said she was very, very, very disappointed in my behaviour today.

…............And Ann's had chicken for tea and normally I would get a few little titbits.............. but today I didn't get anything.......................

…...............And now I'm feeling a little bit guilty?!!

I've gone out onto the sun terrace and am lying peacefully in good dog mode.

…...............I wonder how long it will take to get back into Ann's good books??!!

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