
Nothing like running wildly with a kite. Watching is almost as much fun.

The other day, Julian, Eve and I went for a mooch round Decathlon. When we got to the scooter aisle, it was like walking into Charlie's chocolate factory - all the grown ups looked so free whizzing around the place on scooters. We all jumped on a scooter and for Eve it was the same old fun but for me.... it was like flying a kite aged 4. Absolute joy. Nice to know there is still potential for that free fun.

Today Eve went on a trip with preschool. She loved climbing onto the coach and heading off for adventures on the farm. And when she returned she jumped down the steps and flung herself at me like she'd been gone for weeks. The first news to pour forth was that they'd all eaten ice cream and she stroked a goat. She'd been buddied up with a little girl called Poppy and had fallen for her big time. She asked if she can sleep in our house and talked about her at great length. And then she looked troubled and told me that there was one part of the day she didn't like. During lunch she'd offered Poppy a mini cheddar and felt "sad inside her heart" when Poppy declined. "I just really wanted to give her something lovely." All turned out fine and she was philosophical about the affair - not everyone likes mini cheddars, you see.

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