Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

A great day @ CERN

At dinner time one of my fellow participants asked what I enjoyed most today at CERN...
That was a difficult questions to answer. I loved the lectures + Q and A this morning: analysis of the data that comes from the detectors by Roland Jansky and the story of the discovery of the Higgs boson by Luis Roberto Flores Castillo - this not just included slides and animation but also good old blackboards. Having an interview over lunch with a guide (and expert in the LHC magnets) for our workgroup work, that learned us so much, a lecture on cosmology and then finishing the day with visits to the NASA remote control centre, where they monitor the particle detector mounted in the ISS and the CERN Control Center, where they try to ensure the collider works at it's optimum. Therefor I also found it difficult to select one photo...

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