A Grey Cloud is lifted.

There may still be showers to come. Enough intrigue folks I can reveal the cause of the distress in the As Seen  household has been Millers reluctance to return to work after his recuperation. He has been giving Mrs A S a hard time both physically and mentally unless he is at our instructors. Mr A S has finally decided to trade in the much loved but very ungrateful member of the family for the last eight years for a smaller  and more willing model. This difficulty has been eased somewhat by the fact that the lady who we purchased him from is taking him back and will find him another good home. I am sure there will be tears next week when he goes and frustration looking for a replacement, but there is also much relief in the house.
We are off to the Great Yorkshire Show tomorrow so I am still behind and will struggle to catch up over the next 24hrs.  

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